Hospitals & Medical Facilities
The successful construction of modern medical facilities requires a detailed and well-coordinated design and skilled coordination of a number of different trade contractors. Problems occur when the design is not well-coordinated, and the owner is faced with contractors’ extra work claims and requests for time extensions and reimbursement of costs associated with claimed delays and disruption to the contractors’ work. Alston & Bird has extensive experience with hospital construction, as evidenced by the representative matters listed below.
Construction Counseling
- Lead counsel to an ENR Top 25 construction company in an eight-figure dispute over the design and construction of a $650 million medical facility.
- Represented the Fulton DeKalb Hospital Authority in connection with a $300 million project to renovate and expand Grady Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, including the drafting and negotiation of multiple prime contracts.
- General representation of a major construction company in connection with construction contracts for office, industrial and commercial projects, including hospitals and related health-care facilities located throughout Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia.
- Represented general contractor in negotiations of contract for $95 million research facility at St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis.
- Represented a national construction company in connection with the threatened termination for default, demands upon the contractor’s surety and takeover of the construction of a major hospital expansion project in Los Angeles.
- Counseled a national electrical contractor in connection with construction of two VA Hospitals in Detroit and Hampton, Virginia.
- Represent the former operator a of major university hospital system in litigation arising from its lease and occupancy of a building used for ophthalmology inpatient and outpatient services, as well as medical office functions.
Construction Claims
- Represented a general contractor in litigation to recover $11 million in damages for delay and interference incurred during renovations and additions to a hospital in Kentucky.
- Represented a national electrical contractor in prosecuting $12 million in claims arising out of the construction of a VA Hospital in Detroit.
- Represented a hospital authority in litigation and mediation involving a multimillion dollar claim by one of several prime contractors on a $300 million renovation and expansion of a large urban hospital in Atlanta.
- Represented a contractor on the contract and claims arising out of the construction of additions to Emory University Hospital, Piedmont Hospital and the Children's Medical Center on the campus of the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.
- Represented a contractor in connection with $6 million in claims on a hospital construction project in South Carolina.
- Represented a construction manager in disputes involving delays and extra work regarding construction of a $50 million state-of-the-art medical facility in Augusta, Georgia.
- Represented a construction management firm in connection with litigation arising out of the construction of the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.