We help clients maneuver the legislative process – from political support to passage and implementation – by enhancing your brand inside the Capitol Beltway. Our team can serve as your eyes, ears, and voice when interacting with the government’s power players.
Alston & Bird is uniquely positioned as a full-service team with senior-level congressional and Administration experience to advise you in a bipartisan manner on public policy matters. We offer decades of experience in the intricacies of how Washington makes policy and deliver you the highest level of service and results.
Our team includes former Representative Drew Ferguson, who served on the Committee on Ways and Means and the House Budget Committee and was chief deputy whip for House Republicans from 2018 to 2022.
Alston & Bird’s Legislative & Public Policy team provides a full range of services to help our clients participate in and shape public policy debates before, rather than after, decisions are made. We also provide guidance on how to respond to decisions once they are made. Individually recognized by Chambers USA and The Hill, we are among the most visible and respected voices in political Washington on global business strategies, health care, privacy and data security, trade, tax policy and regulation, telecommunications, and appropriations.