- Establishing a privately offered feeder fund that was designed to invest in a business development company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
- Establishing privately offered feeder funds that invest in prominent single-manager private equity funds.
- Advising investment adviser clients with respect to commodity trading advisers and commodity pool operator registration in connection with structuring "commodity mutual funds," which are registered investment companies that invest in futures.
- Structuring of an electronic marketplace that lists alternative investment funds and connects them with qualified investors.
- Structuring of a multiseries partnership composed of at least 10 different funds for a family office.
- Representation of a fund manager selling an interest to a publicly offered fund.
- Counsel to the managed futures group of a major investment bank in connection with the formation of multi-tiered commodity pools.
- Represent a commodity pool operator in connection with the public offering of interests in a commodity pool.
- Counsel to the asset management group of a major investment bank in connection with the formation of a global, macro, master-feeder fund.
Private Investment Funds
Our deep knowledge of the private funds industry helps you navigate today’s rapidly evolving regulatory environment. As active fund formation attorneys, we offer critical insights on market practices and emerging trends across a broad range of investment strategies and structures. We build relationships on trust, and clients benefit from the team’s pragmatism, innovation, and dedication to service.
Private Investment Funds