Alston & Bird has extensive experience advising clients with certification, accreditation and licensure issues, including changes of ownership; changes of control; responding to state surveys and full CMS surveys, including EMTALA complaint surveys and life safety code violations; responding to “immediate jeopardy” letters; Medicare termination of participation enforcement actions; establishing policies to ensure Joint Commission compliance; and communicating with state licensing agencies. We have represented numerous acute care hospitals, including safety net hospitals, critical access hospitals, home health agencies, hospices, skilled nursing facilities, pharmacies, therapy companies, blood banks, physician practices, laboratories, imaging centers and other providers and suppliers with respect to licensing, certification and general day-to-day operations. We provide advice to, and advocacy on behalf of, clients on a broad array of other licensure and certification matters, including state physician nursing and midlevel licensing laws and practice acts, and participation in federal and state health benefit programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and state managed care programs.