Maya Grasse counsels clients on compliance with a range of environmental regulations, particularly regional, state, and federal air quality regimes, with a focus on the unique issues faced by oil and gas, mining, industrial, manufacturing, and recycling clients.
Maya advises clients in formal and informal proceedings before state and local agencies in permitting, enforcement actions, and agency rulemaking efforts, representing industrial, commercial and energy clients as they work with local air quality management districts, particularly the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and the California Air Resources Board. Her practice includes securing and negotiating development entitlements for industrial, commercial, residential, and energy projects and preparing and reviewing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents. She advises clients on compliance with a variety of environmental regulations, including CEQA, the California and federal Clean Air Acts and Endangered Species Acts, and California’s Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA), as well as local planning, zoning, and environmental regulations.
Maya assists clients with the selection and hiring of experts and consultants for regulatory and litigation matters and regularly monitors and provides analysis on policy trends and proposed, new, and existing environmental laws and agency rules and regulations. She also represents clients in federal and state court litigation on claims brought under CEQA and other environmental and planning and zoning laws.