Jennifer Bonneville works with energy companies, manufacturers of specialty consumer and automotive products, industrial and commodity chemicals, pesticides, and medical devices to defend a diverse array of product and premise-based suits in cases involving wrongful death, property damage, personal injury, and medical monitoring claims.
Combining her background in business and experience as a six-sigma agent with litigation skills and experience in federal and state courts across the country, Jennifer handles all aspects of litigation from advising clients pre-litigation to developing and executing trial strategy. Jennifer has a wealth of experience in all facets of litigation including preparing and defending corporate witnesses, negotiating favorable settlements, developing experts, focusing discovery and trying cases. In her role as national counsel, Jennifer works closely with clients to develop long term strategies and ensure litigation tactics align with their business goals. She also regularly advises clients on Medicare compliance and reporting issues.
Jennifer gives back to the legal community by volunteering her time to assist the most vulnerable members of society, including children, Holocaust survivors, and victims of domestic violence. In 2014, she was recognized as a Los Angeles County “Volunteer of the Year” for her work with the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s Domestic Violence Project.