Look Ahead May 20, 2024

Look Ahead to the Week of May 20: Farm Bill and Fiscal Year 2025 Spending Take Center Stage

Look Ahead to the Week of May 20: Farm Bill and Fiscal Year 2025 Spending Take Center Stage

Both the House and Senate are in session this week before leaving early to begin the Memorial Day recess.

Last week, House Republicans released their draft of the Farm Bill. The $1.5 trillion package would authorize agriculture and food policy programs for another five years after Congress passed a one-year extension in 2023, which expires on September 30 of this year. Although the legislation is normally passed with widespread bipartisan support, Democrats have already come out opposing the package, expressing particular concerns with funding levels for nutrition programs and the incorporation of certain controversial policy riders, including those to address climate change. The draft bill will be marked up by the House Agriculture Committee on Thursday.

House appropriators will begin marking up the first of the fiscal year 2025 spending bills this week, including the Military Construction-VA, Legislative Branch, and annual defense package. However, Senate negotiators have yet to agree on their topline spending numbers, which complicates the drafting process. Additionally, House Democrats have criticized the GOP’s proposed cuts to domestic funding levels in the draft bills. Government funding expires on September 30, though most expect Congress to pass a short-term continuing resolution until after Election Day.

In the upper chamber, Senate Democrats will attempt to force a vote on border security legislation before the Memorial Day recess. Although the vote will likely fail, it will allow a handful of Democratic Senators in tight reelection races to vote for increased border security, which remains a top concern for voters.


On Thursday, President Biden will host a bilateral meeting, news conference, and state dinner with Kenyan President William Ruto at the White House. On Saturday, he will deliver the commencement address at West Point.

House Side

On Tuesday, the House will meet to consider multiple bills under suspension.

  • Bills expected under suspension of the rules.
    • H.R. 5527 – Modernizing Government Technology Reform Act, as amended (Rep. Mace – Oversight and Accountability). The legislation would alter the Technology Modernization Fund award and reporting requirements.
    • H.R. 5887 – Government Service Delivery Improvement Act, as amended (Rep. Khanna – Oversight and Accountability). The legislation would require the Office of Management and Budget to designate a senior official to coordinate governmentwide efforts to improve the delivery of agency services to the public.
    • H.R. 3019 – Federal Prison Oversight Act, as amended (Rep. McBath – Oversight and Accountability). The legislation would require the Justice Department’s inspector general to conduct risk-based inspections of the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ correctional facilities.
    • H.R. 807 – Working Dog Commemorative Coin Act (Rep. McHenry – Financial Services). The bill would require the Treasury Department to mint coins in 2027 to commemorate working dogs that contribute to society — including military and police dogs, guide dogs, and service dogs that work with veterans.
    • H.R. 3317 – Rolling Stock Protection Act (Rep. Crawford – Transportation and Infrastructure). The bill would prohibit public transit agencies from using federal grants to purchase railcars and buses from certain foreign companies, namely Chinese entities.
    • H.R. 6317 – To require the administrator of the General Services Administration to submit a report describing a process for seeking public comment about proposed changes to mandatory design standards for public buildings, and for other purposes (Rep. Titus – Transportation and Infrastructure).
    • H.R. 6248 – Think Differently Transportation Act, as amended (Rep. Molinaro – Transportation and Infrastructure). The bill would require Amtrak to report to Congress annually on its plans and efforts to bring its rail cars and passenger stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    • H.R. 5863 – Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023, as amended (Rep. Steube – Ways and Means). The bill would permit individual taxpayers to deduct losses from hurricanes and other federally declared disasters without itemizing deductions.


    Wednesday – Thursday, the House is scheduled to meet for legislative business and additional measures under suspension.


  • Bills expected under a rule.
    • H.R. 4763 – Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (Rep. Glenn Thompson – Financial Services). The measure would establish a framework for regulating cryptocurrency and other digital assets. It would define which digital assets are securities regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and which are commodities that fall under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s jurisdiction.
    • H.R. 192 – To prohibit individuals who are not citizens of the United States from voting in elections in the District of Columbia (Rep. Pfluger – Oversight and Accountability). The measure would repeal a law passed by the D.C. Council in 2022 allowing noncitizens who have lived in the District of Columbia for at least 30 days to vote in local elections.
    • H.R. 5403 – CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act (Rep. Emmer – Financial Services). The measure would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a central bank digital currency or using one to implement monetary policy.

Senate Side

On Tuesday, the Senate will vote on the nomination of Seth Aframe to be a judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has also teed up votes on Krissa Lanham’s and Angela Martinez’s nominations to be Arizona district judges.

Senators will also vote to block a rule from the Department of Energy that would regulate gas furnace efficiency standards.

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