Webinar January 25, 2023

Clean Water Act – Forward to the Past?

Event Detail
Kevin S. Minoli
January 25, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time

Kevin Minoli will be speaking on the panel “Clean Water Act – Forward to the Past?” hosted by The Federalist Society.

The federal Clean Water Act regulates discharges to “navigable waters,” which the Act defines as “waters of the United States, including the territorial seas.” For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency interpreted “waters of the U.S.” very broadly through regulations, but, in the past 20 years, the agency lost two Supreme Court cases that have required amendments to the regulations. With a third significant decision pending from the Court in Sackett v. EPA, the agency just released the fourth major revision to the regulations defining “navigable waters” in the last eight years.

Join our panel to discuss what is old and what is new in the Biden Administration’s bid to finally capture what “waters of the U.S.” means, and what impact the Sackett decision may have when it comes down.

For more information, click here.

Meet The Speakers
Media Contacts
Alex Wolfe
Communications Director

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