Tuesday, June 30 at 8am ET (14:00 CET)
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic uncertainty. The United States has enacted new tax legislation and complex guidance that offer opportunity and risks to taxpayers. Hear what our panel of tax attorneys has to say about the key tax provisions currently affecting European multinationals and high-net-worth individuals, including how taxpayers are reacting to the new environment.
The session will cover:
- CARES Act (including net operating losses, interest deduction limitations, and employee retention credits)
- Transfer pricing in a pandemic
- BEAT, loss planning, and safe harbor
- Residency and permanent establishment
- 4.0 stimulus bill
- IRS responses to COVID-19
Who should attend?
- International tax directors
- Chief financial officers
- In-house attorneys
- Accountants
Click here to RSVP.