Douglas, Christopher TL

Christopher TL Douglas

Clients rely on Chris for all aspects of their pre-grant and post-grant proceedings. He provides both strategic portfolio advice during development, but also touts post-grant expertise by achieving confirmation of all claims in multiple distinct inter partes reviews. Eager to share his knowledge, Chris co-wrote the USPTO Post-Grant Trials Handbook and speaks on the patent practice regularly.

Strategic Counseling, Patent Preparation and Patent Prosecution

  • Patent portfolio manager and strategist for a global leader in gas detection, fall protection, electrical safety, sensors, mobile computers, barcode scanners, printers, and material handling automation.
  • Strategic counsel and portfolio manager for a global developer of machine learning systems and data analytics platforms.
  • Patent counsel in acquisitions, transactions, and patent preparation/prosecution for the world leader in natural language generation.
  • Prepared and prosecuted patent applications related to signaling at various communications layers, radio communications protocols, carrier aggregation, voice and facial recognition, intelligent transportation systems and user interface systems in the United States and abroad.
  • Drafted and prosecuted patent applications related to telecommunications and computer-based technologies, with an emphasis on virtual infrastructure, Internet architecture, cloud computing, mobile signaling, machine learning, image processing, search technologies, satellite and broadcast television, mobile applications, wireless technologies and natural language processing.

Representative USPTO Post-Grant Proceedings

  • Counsel for a leading battery manufacturer in four inter partes review proceedings relating to rechargeable lithium-ion battery cells and packs.
  • Counsel for a Fortune 100 company in multiple inter partes review proceedings relating to in-home automation, location awareness, energy management systems and methods.
  • Counsel for a Fortune 100 company in three inter partes review proceedings relating to fluorine chemistry.
  • Counsel for a leader in marine electronics in multiple inter partes review proceedings concerning sonar technology.
  • Counsel for a leading provider of technology for reservoir characterization, drilling, production and processing to the oil and gas industry in multiple inter partes review proceedings relating to drilling solutions.
  • Counsel for a smart grid and smart distribution solutions leader in multiple inter partes review proceedings concerning data encryption.
  • Obtained confirmation of all claims in a final written decision for a patent owner in an inter partes review concerning machine vision technology.
  • Counsel for multiple inter partes and ex parte reexamination proceedings related to global positioning systems, light emitting diodes, motion control systems, middleware, and medical devices.

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